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Charity For Life is a democratic organization that invites the community to contribute to charity work. Denmark is known for its great contribution and Charity For Life wants to continue to provide a platform for the traditional Danish humanitarian efforts in different parts of the world. We have adopted a set of bylaws to make it simple and safe to run Charity For Life as a well-run charity organization that keeps things in order through volunteering.
Association name: Charity For Life
Type of association: Voluntary & democratic association
Association established: September 20, 2020
CVR No.: 41665521
P No.: 1026248163
Web address: E-mail:
Facebook: Twitter:
1.1 The name of the association is Charity For Life, CVR no. 41665521.
1.2 The association is founded on September 20, 2020.
1.3 The association is domiciled in the Municipality of Albertslund.
2.1 Charity For Life is a charitable organization with no financial, political or religious interests.
2.2 It is the purpose of the association to support charitable projects related to education, health, disasters and socio-economic prosperity without regard to religion, skin color and ethnicity.
2.3 To support projects in collaboration with reputable national and international organizations.
2.4 The supreme authority of the association is the general meeting.
2.5 The daily affairs of the association are managed by the board of directors.
2.6 To organize intercultural events.
3.1 The association’s articles of association and subsequent amendments to the articles of association must be approved by the general meeting, cf. §9.1.
4.1 Exclusion of a member requires a vote by the Board of Directors with a minimum 2/3 majority in favor of exclusion of the member.
4.2 Membership of the association requires the member to have paid the membership fee set by the association at any given time.
4.3 Members must comply with the association’s articles of association and guidelines from the board of directors.
4.4 Full members may be admitted who can support the association’s purpose and accept these articles of association.
4.5 A family with the same residence can be admitted as ordinary members with the family membership fee set by the Board of Directors. Members under the age of 18 do not have voting rights. A family membership gives access to a maximum of 4 people with voting rights.
4.6 A company or business can be admitted as a member with the membership fee set by the Board of Directors. A corporate membership gives access to a maximum of 1 person with voting rights.
4.7 The Board of Directors sets membership fees once a year.
4.8 Membership fees are paid in advance and are not refundable upon withdrawal.
4.9 A member has resigned when the member has not paid dues for 3 consecutive months.
4.10 A board member has resigned when the board member has not attended at least 50% of the board meetings held during a calendar year.
4.11 An excluded member may not appeal his or her exclusion.
5.1 The supreme authority of the association is the general meeting.
5.2 The daily affairs of the association are managed by the board of directors.
5.3 Only the General Assembly may adopt, amend or repeal the Articles of Association.
5.4 The Board of Directors is, within the limits set by the Articles of Association, the highest authority in all operational matters of the Association.
5.5 The annual general meeting is held every year and is convened with at least 3 weeks’ notice by written notice to the members via their provided e-mail address. However, the annual general meeting must be convened no later than 13 months after the last general meeting. It is the member’s responsibility to provide a valid email address.
5.6 A voting member may cast a maximum of 2 votes for the election of board members. A proxy must be brought to the general meeting.
5.7 Only members have access to the general meeting and any persons invited by at least 2/3 majority of the board of directors.
5.8 The annual general meeting is convened by the Board of Directors.
5.9 Proposals to be submitted to the general meeting must be received by the Board of Directors no later than 14 days before the general meeting.
5.10 Payment for membership must be made at least 14 days before voting. It is the member’s responsibility to document that the payment was made on time.
5.11 The agenda for the annual general meeting must include at least the following items:
a. Election of chairman.
b. Annual report of the board of directors/chairman.
c. Presentation and approval of the audited financial statements.
d. Determination of membership fees.
e. Approval of the budget.
f. Incoming proposals.
g. Election of the Board of Directors in accordance with § 6.
h. Election of auditor(s) and deputy auditor
i. Possibly.
5.12 The general meeting elects a chairman by simple majority to lead the proceedings.
5.13 The decisions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in minutes.
5.14 The General Assembly makes decisions by majority as mentioned in article 9.1
5.15 An extraordinary general meeting may be convened at any time when at least 1/3 of the members demand this in writing.
5.16 An extraordinary general meeting must be convened within 1 month when demanded.
6.1 The board of directors is elected by the members during a general meeting.
6.2 The board can only consist of members who have actively participated in the work of the association for at least 9 months prior to the election
6.3 The board can only consist of members who have been members of the association for a minimum of 9 months.
6.4 To avoid conflict of interest, board members must not hold positions in a political party or other charitable organization.
6.5 The daily management of the association is the board of directors, which consists of 6 members.
6.6 The members of the board of directors shall consist of a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, PR manager and 1 board member.
6.7 The chairman and other board members are elected for 2 years at a time.
6.8 The President, PR Manager and 1 board member are elected in even years.
6.9 The vice chairman, secretary and treasurer are elected in odd-numbered years.
6.10 The Board of Directors manages the association in accordance with these Articles of Association and the decisions of the General Assembly, as well as the requirements described in the document “Roles and Responsibilities” and “Code of Conduct”, policy for entering into cooperation agreements with other NGOs approved by the General Assembly by simple majority.
6.11 The Board of Directors shall determine its own rules of procedure.
6.12 The board of directors constitutes a quorum when a majority of board members are present, including the chairman.
6.13 The chairman chairs the board’s proceedings and in his absence, the vice chairman chairs the proceedings.
6.14 The chairman shall ensure that minutes are kept of the board’s deliberations and decisions.
6.15 In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the casting vote.
6.16 It is the duty of the board of directors to evaluate the work of other board members. A majority of the board of directors may recommend re-election for a board position where a board member is deemed not to devote the necessary time to fulfill the duties of that board position.
6.17 The Board of Directors may establish a number of sub-committees to carry out various tasks.
6.18 The Board of Directors draws up guidelines “Roles & Responsibilities” for the duties of board members, active members and subcommittees. Guidelines must be approved by a simple majority of the board members.
7.1 The association’s assets shall at all times be placed in a recognized bank.
7.2 The Board of Directors is responsible to the General Assembly for the budget and accounts.
7.3 The association’s accounts are kept by the treasurer, who also keeps the association’s membership register.
7.4 The treasurer may keep accounts with the help of other active members of the association. However, prior written permission must be obtained from the Board of Directors in office at any given time. However, it is still the treasurer’s responsibility to keep the accounts correctly.
7.5 For transfers, the treasurer must create transactions/envelope in online banking and this envelope must be approved by another board member.
7.6 The financial year is January 1 – December 31.
7.7 Audited accounts shall be published no later than 8 days before the general meeting.
7.8 The accounts must be signed by all members of the Board of Directors.
7.9 The association is only liable for its obligations with its assets.
8.1 The association is represented by the chairman and the treasurer of the association or, in their absence, by the chairman or the treasurer in association with. another board member.
8.2 The chairman may use Dankort/debit cards/bank cards and online banking for the association’s bank accounts separately. A maximum of DKK 10,000 may be traded during a calendar year. If you need to trade for more than DKK 10,000, this must be approved in writing by the board of directors. The association’s bank is not liable for any exceeding of the DKK 10,000 limit.
9.1 Unless otherwise stated, amendments to the Articles of Association may be adopted at a general meeting or extraordinary general meeting when at least 2/3 of the votes cast are in favor of the proposal.
10.1 The association may only be dissolved by a 2/3 majority at two consecutive general meetings, one of which must be ordinary.
10.2 The dissolving general meeting decides on the use of any assets.
The changes to the articles of association were adopted at the general meeting on 08.10.2020
At the general meeting, the board of directors was elected:
Haider H. Tasneem – Chairman
Muhammad Samir Idris – Vice Chairman
Anas Muhammad Idris-Secretary
Saqib Tasneem – Treasurer
Safwaan Iqbal – PR Manager
Naima Zeeshan– Board member
Tahir Siddique– Board member